We seek to ensure a balance between the functionality of the parkway as a major thoroughfare and the preservation of the original design of parkway's distinctive bridges and landscape.
New Canaan Salt Shed & Maintenance Facility
In November 2005, Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) presented its initial plan for the renovation of the New Canaan maintenance garage and salt shed near exit 37. The plan was met with criticism from New Canaan residents and the MPC. Complaints included observations that the property had been used as a landfill. Under the proposed DOT design, contaminated soil would not have been removed, only capped. The new salt shed was designed to sit on top of this contaminated soil, some 25 feet higher than the rest of the property, with little screening from the Merritt Parkway.
In response, MPC presented a new design removing the contaminated soil, lowering the salt shed and providing screening from the Merritt. After many meetings with DOT and local legislators MPC'S plan was not accepted by DOT citing additional construction costs. The Conservancy was successful in having the salt shed moved further away from the Merritt Parkway and lowered in elevation from the original plan.
As a result of a fire in May 2008, the State Building Inspector condemned portions of the maintenance facility. A new 15 vehicle bay is under construction adjacent to the existing office building. The architectural design and materials will be representative of the original building.